Whitehouse Fire Company, #1


271 Main Street

P.O. Box 215

Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889

Become a firefighter

For more information on joining our company, please call (908) 534-2552 or stop by our firehouse on most Wednesdays after 6:30PM. Check us out on Facebook.

We are a 100% Volunteer Organization and provide fire protection to more than 2,800 homes and businesses in the Whitehouse Fire Company Protection District. Our Volunteers participate in many hours of training to assure our community the most advanced techniques of fire fighting and the best fire protection available in the country. Last year our volunteer fire fighters responded to over 160 fire alarms.

Whitehouse Fire Company No. 1 was incorporated as a volunteer fire company on November 2nd 1922. As volunteers we strive to provide for the protection and safety of our citizens and visitors, by preparing and promoting fire prevention and education, preserving life property and the environment, through fire suppression, rescue and hazardous material mitigation. Visit our "Fire Safety" section for helpful information. We rely on the generosity of the residents, businesses and property owners to continue our mission into the future.

See our Membership Page for more information on becoming a Member.